We don’t see problems, we see challenges to be solved.
Firmwide Leadership
David Rhodes
Melanie Kawczynski
Vice President | Operations
David Plank
Vice President | Architecture
Vann Farrell
Vice President | Construction Management
Todd Taylor
Vice President | Client Services & Business Development
John Johnson
Vice President | Foodservice Design
Jennifer Nelson
Studio Director | Architecture
Larry Higa
Studio Director | Architecture
Jerry Wick
Director | Architecture
Juan Mendoza
Director | Store Planning & Design
Angi Mielke
Director | Store Planning
Nigel Foo
Director | Marketing

We leverage our deep understanding of architecture, interior design, planning, and construction to provide new ways of creating value.
Our People
Allison Agosti
Architectural Associate
Chelsea Ackell
Project Manager | Architecture
Jodi Barta
Manager | Administrative Services
Matthew Drews
Project Manager | Store Planning
Alex Gomez
Job Captain
Emily Hiestand
Job Captain
Eric Hillesland
Job Captain
William Hofmann
Project Architect
Tom Hunt
Project Manager | Architecture
Tommy Kasper
Job Captain
Lori Kolthoff
Resource Design Specialist
Dan Loomis
Project Manager | Store Planning
Amanda Martin
Senior Store Planner
Vicki Meyer
Senior Store Planner
Cambree Ney
Foodservice Designer
Ashley Rathsack
Project Manager | Store Planning
Jennifer Rogalla
Senior Store Planner
Lawrence Song
Design Manager | Architecture
Abby Swantek
Co-Op Intern | Architecture
Ruby Wang
Project Manager | Architecture